Anchored VWAP (Think or Swim)


Plots the volume weighted average price from a specified anchor on any timeframe. Ensure that inputs are in the following format:

  • Anchor Date: YYYYMMDD
  • Anchor Time: HH:MM (24 hour time)
SKU: tb-anchoredvwap-tos Category: Tag:

Volume weighted average price (VWAP) is a tool used to track the price where the average market participant holds a position from. Traditionally in Think or Swim the VWAP is only able to begin each morning at 9:30, or at the start of each week or month. This anchored VWAP study gives you the flexibility to start a VWAP instance on any date from any time.

Some notable areas to start anchored VWAPs from could be major pivots, news release days, earnings announcements, and anything else that could be relevant to your strategy.

NOTE: You must have the anchor date in the range of the timeframe you have selected on Think or Swim for the calculation to be accurate. For example, if you have an anchor set to two years ago, but are only looking at a daily chart (aggregation period) of the last year (time interval) the calculation will be wrong. You would need a daily chart with at least a two year time interval.

When you are granted access to the script you can choose the one click install, or the option to view the code and copy and paste into a new study window. If you use the one click install, make sure to name the script before you save it, otherwise it will import as a generic name. If you are going to copy and paste into a new study window, make sure to delete the default line of code “plot data = close”.