Breadth Ratios (Think or Swim)


Ratio of up volume to down volume on the three big exchanges. NYSE, NASDAQ, Russell.

SKU: tb-breadthbubbles-tos Categories: , Tag:

The script shows us the aggression from the buyers vs sellers from a volume perspective and whether or not the market has momentum. Of course knowing when there is NOT momentum is also massively valuable so trading strategies can be applied accordingly, based on the environment.

Script displays as bubbles in the top left of your chart and full color customization is available.

When you are granted access to the script you can choose the one click install, or the option to view the code and copy and paste into a new study window. If you use the one click install, make sure to name the script before you save it, otherwise it will import as a generic name. If you are going to copy and paste into a new study window, make sure to delete the default line of code “plot data = close”.