How to Trade $KODK (Eastman Kodak Co.)

KODK (Eastman Kodak the old film making company for 35mm cameras)has been on a parabolic move over the course of the last two days. One of the biggest questions on everyones mind is: Should I buy KODK Eastman Kodak stock?

Price has moved over five hundred percent and halted nearly twenty times today during trading. With news flying around like crazy (no pun intended) we use charts and technical analysis to show us a black and white picture of where we can reasonably expect price to go. Here is our KODK stock analysis for 2020. Using multi-time frame analysis, starting on the daily chart and dropping down incrementally to the 15 minute chart reveals a bigger picture and more granular picture. Depending on how you’re comfortable trading Kodak (KODK) adjust your profit targets and stop losses accordingly.

If you can’t afford to day trade with 100 shares of KODK then maybe it makes more sense for you to trade options on Eastman Kodak with your smaller account which will allow you to get involved in the stocks movement at a much cheaper price. Whether you’re buying calls or puts, going long or short, this video has got you covered.

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