Master ALL TradingView Drawing Tools


Tradingview has a robust drawing tool set that will allow us to create whatever custom drawings we would like on the charts we are analyzing. The ability to save drawing templates, and group things in the object tree, makes it so that we can see what we want, when we want.

To start, its important to know that the trend line tool will serve as a foundation for making nearly every other type of drawing inside of the platform. When we click and activate the tool, we can start drawing our two anchor points. Once a trend line is on the chart, we are presented with a few things on the screen. A quick menu, as well as highlighted price and time axis where the trend line spans.

Quick Menus

In the quick menu, we have the option to save an appearance style as a template or reset to default from whatever the last saved style was. The next grouping of options in the quick menu are how we change the appearance of the line / drawing in the first place. Almost all of the tools will have some sort of stroke or fill that can be changed in terms of color, opacity, thickness, as well as solid, dashed or dotted. After the appearance settings we get the gear icon for the full menu which we will discuss in a moment. Beyond the gear, we have alerts setup based on the drawing, lock and remove the drawing, as well as visual order and cloning drawings.

Object Tree

If a drawing is hidden, the only way to unhide it is to open up the object tree and turn its visibility back on. You can access the object tree in Tradingview by right clicking on the chart and opening it manually that way, or by clicking on the little layer icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. In this view we can group drawings, turn them on and off in bulk, delete drawings in bulk, re order them and even clone drawing sets.

Full Menu

In the full menu, we have many of the same style settings that were displayed in the quick menu. We can also elect to change properties of the line like its extensions left and right, as well as the information associated with the line. Text can be added to help describe what the line is for, and of course the size, color, and boldness can be adjusted here as well. To make the line a bit more precise you can adjust the coordinates, but do be mindful that the bar position is based on the last historic bar, which is seemingly set arbitrarily by Tradingview. Lastly the visibility on different timeframes can be controlled in the full menu to elect where the line shows up. Do you want only weekly support/resistance drawings? Change visibility to weekly only. Daily? Daily… so on and so forth.

Useful Tools

Now that the foundation has been laid for almost all of the tools going forward, a few honorable mentions would be:

  1. Ray
  2. Horizontal ray
  3. Parallel channel
  4. Linear regression channel
  5. Anchored VWAP
  6. Fibonacci (Retrace & Extension)
  7. Geometric shapes (magnet)
  8. Text vs Anchored Text
  9. Tweets / Ideas
  10. Patterns / Time Cycles
  11. Predictions – Long / Short positions
  12. Measuring tools
  13. Fixed range volume profile
  14. Iconography – Rocket, Magnet, Anchor, Target

Favorites Toolbar

Lastly, there is the ability to make a favorites tab by indicating a start next to the drawing tool in the menu. From here activate the favorites tab and have the primary tools at your fingertips anywhere on the screen.